Well Mommy's goal was to get Paige off the Bottle and Pacifier this summer ... or at least before I had to go back to work. So first we stopped the bottle a week before her 15 month bottle. She did pretty good at lunch and at night with drinking her milk in her cup but the morning was tough. She drank her milk from her cup but she would cry and say... "No Dilky in Cup... Babba". It was the saddest but funniest thing to hear her say. She was off the bottle in 2 days! Not bad.
Now for the Pacifier.. aka... PIA....all summer I worked on only giving her her PIA at nap time and bed time. So she was used to not getting it in the car. Her first official day with No PIA at all was on the 23rd. I told her the PIAs were in the trash and she said to me... No trash Mama!!! Nap time was rough but only cried for 30 minutes. As for Bed Time.... YIKES!!! AN HOUR & 15 MINUTES!!! Daddy was pretty sad but she did good... she didnt wake up at all during the night! 2nd nap was only a 10 minute cry session. Cross our fingers how tonight goes!!
Time to pack away all of the bottles and pacifiers!!!
Exhausted after 30 minutes of Screaming!!!
My Big Girl no longer has a Babba or a PIA!!!
noooooo, she's growing up to fast!