Tuesday, January 31, 2012

9 Month Stats

Weight: 16 pounds
Height: 28 inches long
Teeth: Paige still has her 2 bottom teeth but recently she has started cutting her upper Right tooth. Teething has not been super pleasant. She wakes up several times throughout the night because her poor little mouth hurts her. 
Immunization: Paige had to have her TB test done this visit. She cried for a few seconds but she was easily distracted with her Puffs.
Doctor Visit: Dr. Sheth said Paige is doing great! However she looked a little orange to her. She told me to give her more green veggies. Paige did not gain but only a few ounces from her last appointment (6 months). Dr. Sheth said to up her milk because she feels she is not getting enough milk throughout the day.

Eating Habits: Paige is official eating everything and anything except Honey, Peanuts, Chocolate and Ice Cream. She is a such a big girl now that she eats whatever mommy and daddy are eating. Her new foods that she is liking is pasta, pancakes, eggs, french toast, grilled cheese sandwiches, and yogurt. Paige is down to 3 bottles a day. Morning was 5 ounces, lunch was 4 ounces, and bedtime was 6 ounces. Due to her not gaining enough weight i have upped her milk to 6, 5, and 7 ounces.

Crawling: Paigey girl is still crawling everywhere... and boy is she quick! Oh and she has mastered crawling up stairs! We have to watch out for this one.

Standing: She is still standing everywhere. She is starting to get brave and let go of things but she just falls to her bottom.

Walking: Still no walking yet... Mommy and Daddy are really working on helping her walk and build her confidence up!
Talking: Paigey says Mamma, Dadda, Ohhh--Noooo, Yes, at least thats what I make them out to be. We are working on saying ALL DONE... sometimes she has it.She loves talking! Sometimes I think... Is she talking back to me? Oh heck no!!!

Dancing: This is something new that she has recently started and omg is it hilarious!!! If you put any music on this girl starts dancing it up. Her latest thing is to start shaking her head and it hysterical! I think she might have Daddy's dance moves... =0)

Personality: Paige continues to be the highlight of our lives! She is such a happy baby! Mommy and daddy just love spending EVERY moment with her!!!

Signing: Still working on basic signs. All done is the number one sign that I am working on with her. Milk still makes her laugh. Hopefully in the next few months she will pick up some more signs.

Here are a few pictures from the past month.... Enjoy!!

12-19-2011 Acting Silly with her Carseat

12-21-2011 Watching them make Candy Canes at Logans

12-22-2011 Getting into her diaper bag... silly girl

12-23-2011 Her new trick is to get the puffs out of the diaper bag, open the lid with her 2 bottom teeth and help herself to her puffs!!

12-25-2011 Merry Christmas!!

12-27-2011 Had to take this... I have a picture of Alison and Ella sleeping in the same position... that looks like its uncomfortable

12-27-2011... Having some fun

12-28-2011 Her 1st rocking chair from Nina

12-29-2011 Eating Hamburger meat for the first time!

12-31-2011 Happy New Years

1-2-2011 On our way to the Abeyta's

1-3-2012 Enjoying her chicken!!! Love it!


1-13-2012 Camping in El Capitan... She wasnt sure of the sand at first but loved it!

1-17-2012 Yummy Yummy Pancakes!

1-18-2012.. 9 Months Old!!! SOOOO BIGG!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas 2011

I know I am late on posting about Christmas but better late then never! This was Paige's first Christmas and I think Mommy was the most excited! We started off the Christmas Season by going to church Christmas Eve with The Dalys. Then we headed to Aunty Sandy's to celebrate Christmas Eve with the Alvarez's. We have always spent Christmas Eve with them for as long as I can remember. Grandma always makes tamales, rice, beans and yummy snacks. Christmas morning we spent the morning with Paige opening her presents from Mommy & Daddy and then headed to Grandma & Grandpa's for breakfast. We exchanged our gifts with the Dalys. Boy was Paige spoiled! In the afternoon we headed to Stephanie's & Greg's and enjoyed a very yummy, delish BBQ. Again we exchanged gifts! Paige was spoiked by them too. 
Although Paige had no idea what Christmas is or what it is about, she sure enjoyed EATING all of the wrapping paper!!! She was more interested in the boxes, bages, and paper. She was hilarious!

Here are some pictures from X-mas Eve and X-Mas Day.... Enjoy 

Paige is so excited to eat that paper.... Moe bought her this adorable Pig Beanie....

SANTA came to deliver presents....Everyone was excited to see him...

See... Paige was more interested in the bags then the actual gifts...

Christmas morning with the two loves of my life.... Paige was a little sleepy so daddy had to help her get started.... (Notice Paci is still in her mouth...)

Now she means business.... she threw paci and was ready to tear open that gift!

Daddy put together her pony immediately so she could ride it. I video tapped this and she fell off the first time Daddy put her on it.

Paige helping Daddy open his 2012 Calendar....

Uncle Mike is helping her open her gift...

Ali wanted to take a picture with Uncle Bill and Paigey Girl...

Paige loves her Big Cousin Ali and Ella and her little Cousin Gavin...(Gavin and Ella were not present when we were taking pictures)

I just love this little lady bug... 


The Daly's 2011

Daddy filmed us opening presents.... OMG i think I need to find a new videographer...

She was very excited for the paper...

Yum Yum Yum I love eating boxes...

This Christmas was a memorable one for us and we look forward to many, many more memorable holiday moments!!

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts!!! Paige loved everything she received and is very grateful for the thoughtful gifts!

Tamale Time!

So this Christmas season I decided to take part in the Tamale making process.... It was fun making them, especially when I was getting yelled at for putting too much meat in them.... haha!!!
So here we go....
Aunty Laurie, Steph and Michelle getting things ready to start the process...

MyMy came to help watch the kidos....

Here we go... preping the table...

Steph teaching Kaylee and Kimber how to make a tamale...

Aunty Laurie and Michelle being goofy...

Kaylee making tamales...

Dana and Aunty Laurie taking a break..

Tamales was fun but next year I'm making my tamales loaded with meat!!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

8 months

Since I just posted her 7 month stats I will not post 8 month stats because nothing new really happened. There was a few mistakes in the 7 month post so I will fix it here. Paige started saying Dada during 7 months. She said Dada for the first time on 12/8/2011. She started eating Mandarian Oranges this month and mixed veggies this month. 

Sorry for the confusion! This is why I will keep up on her monthly posts!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month!!!

11/20/2011: Crawling and eating puffs... Her favorite things to do!

11/21/2022: Eating Mandarian Oranges first time!!
11/24/2011: Thanksgiving... She has never just fallen asleep in our arms! She was super duper tired!

11/30/2011: Sitting up in the bath for the first time!

12/6/2011: Took Pictures with G-Pa!

12/6/2011: Went and saw Santa for the first time! (Bill has the actual picture from bass pro shop at his work) She was not scared at all!!!

12/9/2011: Nina Laurie took the kidos to see Santa at The Shopps in Chino Hills! Paige is just mesmerized   by Santa!  

12/10/2011: Sitting at the Chino Christmas Parade

12/10/2011: Eating Fruit Cocktail for the first time.

12/14/2011: Eating Mixed Veggies.... She has such a fun smile.... I love it!!

12/16/2011: She is always laughing and smiling

12/18/2011: I just LOVE EVERYTHING about this picture!!!!

YAY!!! 8 Months!!!!